Friday, June 12, 2009

What's Happening...

I haven't been posting very much since Minnie ate my camera. We want to buy a new one, but we don't want to spend more money.

Anyway, a lot is going on.

1. Got my braces. or Bray-shes on Tuesday. My teeth hurt a little, but it's more just like an annoying feeling because something is on top of my teeth. Invisalign is awesome, though. Love it. Call Dr. Rosen in SGF. Sometimes you can watch me on the news and I'll have them in. Usually just the topical promos, though... not the newscast.

2. Going to another wedding this weekend. This time, it's Jim's cousin Emily! We can't wait! Even Minnie's going to make the trip with us.

Next weekend, we're off for Tracy's wedding in OKC... and gasp, I'm singing!

3. We won a party at Fox and Hound. So, if you're hungry and want free food, DM me.

4. My mom took her first plane trip by herself! She was so nervous on Thursday... but she landed safely, and all is right with the world.

5. Minnie is at least 65 pounds now, and she really likes our neighbors. I think this is a good thing, but I feel sorry for our neighbors. Minnie needs constant affection.

6. I am back to sewing. Which reminds me, you should check out SHE'S CRAFTY! Anna re-taught me how to sew, and I'm also taking one of her classes! You should take them with me!

7. OH, and the biggest news of all: MY SISTER HYUN JEONG GOT MARRIED!!

I just found out a few days ago. Originally, we were supposed to go to Korea for the wedding in the fall, but I guess they needed to get married sooner in order to live together in Korea. I'm so happy for her and her new hubby, Glenn. Now, if I could just get them to move to the states, that would be awesome...but I really want to go visit them first!

8. OH, and another thing... my little nephew, Won Hoo, had his 100th day celebration... and I forgot. OMG. Terrible auntie. BTW, Yeoun Jung is preggers again!!


dp said...

Your nephew is a-DOR-able!!!!

Tammy Kirks said...

First off, your nephew is the cutest thing ever!!!! Love that little guy. Second, welcome back to sewing! I used to sew all the time (even made and wore my own clothes) and have started up again. If you ever want to go fabric shopping or need advice, feel free to call me. Also, are you going to test out self-tanners? I'm ready to be another guinea pig!

Jenn said...

Cute baby and great pose!