Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jim covers Obama's Inauguration!

Jim is covering the inauguration in Washington, D.C. You can catch a glimpse of what he's doing on KY3 or by clicking here.

He says he's having a good time, but he's ready to come home! I think a lot of people don't realize what hard work it is (especially for an old dog like him!)

He had to get up at 3:30 a.m. today to catch the train into D.C... then he has to lug the camera all day. He called last night to complain about back pains, though he said it was pretty cool to be there for the historical event.

I asked him to pick up an Obama buttom for the kids (I like to say that sometimes), but he said he probably won't have time. See, this is what I'm saying... you don't really get to enjoy an event when you're there for work. Plus, you're not with your friends or family, so that just makes it seem even more work-y.

And now, I won't get my button.

(**If you want to watch it live, go to KSPR.com**)


M. said...

It's so weird to think that this isn't the most amazing gig... lugging heavy equipment isn't the part I imagine. It's good to have a reality check, otherwise I'd be stuck thinking you two were the most glamorous people I know.

Anonymous said...

I know he was COLD!! what a day it was here in Washington!! GO JIM!