My best friend's little sister started classes at our old alma mater, the University of Kansas. This is huge.

So, I decided to take a vacation day and head to Lawrence, Kansas. Honestly, Lucy and I were ready to party like we did before we legally could. However, there was a problem. This weekend we discovered that we are old bitties.
I can't believe it.
After two cocktails (with cheap alcohol in plastic cups), we pootered out.
I woke up the next morning with a hangover-feeling because I had been up for 22 hours the night before (thanks to the ungodly hours I work at KY3.) Lucy woke up equally crappy because she didn't get her normal 8-hours-of-sleep.
Old bitties.
It is rather fun getting older and wiser, but it was such a comical and yet, enlightening weekend.
When Lucy's younger sister Franny was 10, she used to put on my shoes and tromp around my dorm she's schooling us on what goes in college! I hope she enjoys these next few years at KU because one day she'll realize she's too old to go back---
Getting older sux. Can't drink like you once did... body parts hurt just a bit more... yet the brain feels and acts young.
Not that any of that ever happens to me... but I don't ride the whirly-gig barfy ride at the fair anymore.
FYI...she ran around the Theta house in your shoes, not your nasty a$$ dorm room. Get it right! Jeez!
Michelle, wanted you to know I am enjoying your blog. I found your partying comment hilarious (and familiar) - 30-something that I am. I am an adoptive mom and followed the link in the KAAN newsletter a few weeks ago. Thank you for mentioning the Chusok celebration, and the pictures!
Are you a Theta too? I am. (Epsilon Lambda chapter - Dickinson College)
My son is almost 2. He's amazing! He was born in Gwangju, and we adopted him at 6 months.
This is Franny. You're not an old bittie. Come up one night and i'll prove it to you!
This is Franny. You're not an old bittie. Come up one night and i'll prove it to you!
Did going to Theta bring back some memories? Old bitty - ha! Remember spending Thursday nights doing the ab dolly video? If that's not old bitty, I don't know what is! :)
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