We are now up and running!! Check us out. I think our website is the best in the market...it's very clean, but I'm partial. What do you think? http://www.kspr.com/
Be sure to watch us on Sunday night at 10pm!
This is my personal blog! I like to write about my family, friends, and passions. No hidden agendas, though I'm a crazy advocate for adoption. I'm here to make friends and peace, and I hope you do the same when you leave a comment!
Michelle, the site looks great. It looks less cluttered than the others, and I personally think it's user-friendly.
Good luck over there!
Looks EXACTLY identical to the KY-3 website, except for the KSPR logos. Go figure.
Well, it is pretty similar. But I do not like the orange and blue color scheme on KY3 and I do think that Michelle's right, KSPR's is more "clean". I think there's too much stuff going on for the eyeball on KY3's site.
With all this build up, I'm expecting big things from the new "33." And yeah, the site is identical to KY3's. The reason KY3's is cluttered is because businesses actually want to advertise there, unlike 33. I'm sure the execs at 33 are dreaming for it to be "cluttered." A cluttered site means ad revenue. Duh.
it was great meeting you last night too! I had an awesome night with you guys. Gotta love the Sniders.
if you ever want a bag just comment or email me which one and you can buy it on the site--i'll just take off shipping costs.
good luck in the new position! I'll be watching.
New colors are great. Boo to the yellow, gold and red days.
We expect great things from you, Michelle.
But that ky3.com weather section rocks. ;)
Come over and play again in Ozark anytime.
Well, no matter what you think of the color scheme, it is pretty impressive that KSPR has TMZ.com on the website!! That rocks!
Nice clean design. Looking forward to good things from the new 33. I always hated the previous "look and feel" of the newscast. Best of luck!
What can I say---looks like a KY3 spinoff.
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