Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stripper Terror!

OMG, this is so funny because it reminds me of my college days. My friend was turning 20 or 21, and we thought it would be funny to get her a stripper. It was a total surprise...there were about 30 of us all in this cramped apartment in Lawrence.

A cute, young cop stopped some of us in the parking lot, and one of my friends started saying stuff like, "I'm sorry we've been so bad officer!"...things like that...problem was that it ended up being a real cop who wanted someone to move their car. Embarassing...

But then, a fireman showed up at our door...and yes, his hose was out of control. Gross.

First of all, he only had one move. Secondly, he didn't wear any padding in the cre-otch, so everything was visible. Thirdly, he told us (while dancing) that he was a used sales car salesman during the day and stripping was his side job because it was SO fun.

It was horrible. I wish I could tell you more, but for the sake of decency, I won't. All I can say is the girls were running away from him and covering their faces. It was traumatic, and by the end of the hour, I wanted my money back.

Funny thing is, I'd do just about anything to have all my girlfriends together again, even though that was pretty tragic! This brings back memories!!


The Lorax said...

That's just McNasty. And wrong.

And I'm not going to wear my underoos any more. Mr Stripper has scarred me for life.

Anonymous said...

That is so....wrong.

However, if I kept a link to that video, I'd lose a lot of weight. Every time I felt hungry, I'd watch that and get so sick to my stomach I couldn't eat!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Michelle! That is so frickin funny! Dead on... good find! Ash