Monday, June 11, 2007

Michelle vs. Michelle

Look, I'm kind of embarassed to say this, but it's been bothering me. I am not Michelle Kwan. I know, I know, I have the grace and body of a national figure skating it's a little confusing...

Seriously, though. I have had two incidents in 3 days when someone called me Michelle Kwan.

First, it was Saturday. Bless the Masons, but one of them called me MK. Then today during my story, a man I interviewed also called me MK. What is going on???

I'm considering changing my name to something less confusing, maybe Kristi??

To be continued...


The Lorax said...

Hmmmm... which one? Which one?

Maybe if you squat like Kwan, I'll reconsider.

Anonymous said...

Your much hotter than the other Michelle.


Desdinova said...

I accdentally refered to one of your co-workers as Paula Poundstone. I realized the mistake.

Michelle said...

Ha! Funny Desdinova! I love Paula Poundstone!