Friday, March 13, 2009

Does It Work? Smooth Away!

Wow! Another big thank you to our tester Tammy Kirks! She faced the challenge of the Smooth Away...

You know, this is not journalism at its best or anything, but I LOVE THIS STORY. In fact, I think I'll keep it as one of my fave features.

Click here to see Tammy wax on and wax off! Ha!!!

If you write for broadcast or appreciate writing, I like this story because we really have some great characters...and I think good moments. If you notice the reporter track, it's pretty light. And for those editors out there-- it's kind of hard to weave in nats and reporter track on two audio channels with a BETA deck... and I did a lot of backtiming to get the timing down right. I think it's easy to get lost in the story...and that's the trick, right?
Anyway, keep your suggestions coming... what should I test next?? Let me know!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved Tammy in Smooth Away - and I definitely will NOT be buying it either. If you decided to test self-tanners - or anything else, give me a call. I'm game.